In-home care is a range of non-medical, non-skilled, essential services to aging, recovering, disabled, chronically or terminally ill individuals who Care To Stay Home but need assistance with their personal activities of daily living.
These Activities of Daily Living include items such as bathing, dressing, walking, and personal care needs. In-home care services also aid in supervision and assistance in order to remain independent, comfortable, and safe at home.
In-home care is appropriate whenever people Care To Stay Home but need ongoing assistance that cannot easily or effectively be provided solely by family and friends.
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In-home care is an alternative to traditional care facilities or homes. More and more, aging parents electing to live independent, non-institutionalized lives, are receiving non-medical, in-home care services as their physical and cognitive capabilities diminish.
Many aging adults may simply need companionship, an occasional reminder or light assistance here and there, especially after the loss of a spouse. Others may need total care. As hospital stays decrease, increasing numbers of patients need non-medical assistance allowing them the rest they need to fully recuperate when returning home.
Most individuals diagnosed with a terminal illness on hospice services also Care To Stay Home, where they can receive compassion and maintain dignity during the last phase of life.
It’s a fact that people Care To Stay Home. . . that’s everyone’s first choice. If someone you care about may need Care To Stay Home, call today for a free, no-obligation, in-home evaluation Click Here.