Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs) are not necessary for fundamental functioning, but they let an individual live independently.
Clients don’t want to give up control, children don’t want mom or dad driving. . . caregivers are a solution to this problem.
Many times clients and their families’ face the challenge of determining when driving no longer becomes a safe practice. This can be a very sensitive and difficult topic of discussion. Doctors appointments, grocery shopping, and other routine outings. . .
Care To Stay Home strives to provide a safe and comfortable solution for families and their loved ones. Our caregivers are able to provide transportation for our clients to critical meetings such as doctor’s appointments and follow-up medical visits. Our staff routinely assists with:
• Doctors Appointments
• Dentist Appointments
• Follow-up Medical Appointments
• Personal Appointments – Hair and Beauty Salon
• Routine Outings – Visiting Family and Friends
• Grocery shopping
• And more. . . .
We have professional Care Managers who can walk you or your loved one through a variety of options to support a safe and secure home environment.
Social Engagement – surrounding an individual with friends, family, and activities people love can bring untold enjoyment.
- Provide companionship, talking and listening, offer support
- Escort to social, religious and cultural events
- Assist with entertaining
- Explore community services, communicate needs to program staff
You want to be there every minute, but at times you are not able to. Let us help! We can monitor your loved one while they are in the hospital so you can rest, and know we are there for you. Our professional caregivers are available 24 hours a day to give you the peace of mind that your loved one is not alone
Through our Free In-home evaluation, we can determine the best plan of care for your situation. To schedule your Free evaluation, click here.
Being alone can be an overwhelming and daunting feeling for seniors. Losing a loved one can be extremely difficult mentally, emotionally as well as physically. We are there when you need us most. We understand the anxiety, stress and fear many seniors face as the years bring about new changes. Our trained staff not only provide physical support and assistance to our clients, but mental and emotional support. Having a Personal Care Aide to talk to and be near, who understands the challenges of aging, can help our clients maintain their dignity and independence at home.
Our services are tailored to meet your specific care needs. We can assist our clients with:
• Surrounding an individual with friends, family and activities people love can bring untold enjoyment
• Provide companionship, talking and listening, offer support
• Escort to social, religious and cultural events
• Assist with entertaining
• Explore community services, communicate needs to program staff
Sitter Arrangements – Our Personal Care Aides can provide support and assistance in the home, hospital or facility setting to ensure a comfortable, safe environment.
- Hospital Stays
- Nursing home visits
- Assisted living communities
- Continuing care retirement communities
Our Care Managers can meet with each client and their family to discuss specific companionship needs. We can provide companions in a variety of situations to be there for your loved ones. To talk with our Care Managers or to schedule your free in-home assessment, click here.
Meal Preparation
Meal planning and preparation for seniors can be a difficult task without the proper support and supervision. Individuals who may have unique or specific dietary restrictions may find planning, shopping and preparing meals to be overwhelming. Those who may suffer from memory loss may not realize when food has passed its expiration date. Our Professional Caregivers provide support and assistance in the planning, shopping and preparing process. Our Caregivers may prepare meals on a regular basis for our clients in the comfort of their own home. We plan, shop and prepare meals to assist our clients in maintaining their independence at home. We also assist with cleaning after a meal to ensure a comfortable and clean home environment. We can accommodate specific dietary restrictions such as:
- Diabetic Meal Planning
- Renal Diets
- Low Sodium Meal Planning
- Heart Healthy Meal Planning
Our Care Managers are able to meet with and discuss specific dietary needs and to establish a Plan of Care to meet dynamic meal plans. We are able to accommodate specific dietary restrictions to support a healthy home environment.
Meal Planning
Knowing what foods may or may not be consumed can play a vital role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle at home. Our goal is to work with our clients and their family to determine a specific Care Plan for each client. Our Professional Caregivers can plan meals for our clients and follow dietary guidelines to promote healthy eating habits.
Grocery Shopping
Basic chores such as going to the grocery store can become a daunting task. The time it takes to make a grocery list, go to the store, pick out all the items, purchase them, bring them home and then put them away can be mentally and physically exhausting.
Our Professional Caregivers assist our clients in developing shopping lists, going to the store, getting all groceries and can help store them at home. Our employees can go with our clients to the store, or go to the client’s request to make sure the home has the food and groceries your loved one needs at home.